in case anyone actually reads this one still... i *do* actually post different things on the two.
well lets go back to yesterday. went down to philly to meet up with rich robinson, which was the usual, and i got absolutely soaked on my way there which instantly made me feel a lot worse than i was previously. from there it was to UGC to meet
Richard to go and see the day after tomorrow and Shrek2. the first film, was, as i had pretty much been expecting (and told.... again)
to be a complete CGI fest. there were a few things i was quite impressed with though. Firstly the soundtrack - i didnt recognise the name of the composer who did the score, but i thought the underscoring was fantastic, and was a fantastic example of how it should be done. (doing film music studies as an a level option was actually the one bit of that i a level i enjoyed). The second thing was small but meant a lot. It was the point where you saw a tornado form, and it was formed correctly (one big thing i had against twister- other than it sucked was that theyd supposedly done research into tornados and didnt even show its formation correctly) which was good to see. The third, was even though it was a little lacking on hard plot, i liked the way that it also looked at the big picture a lot and there was focus upon characters that had nothing to do with the storyline other than being in the scene or the background, but in being there took the attention off the small onto the big, and also the thought of the writers in their inclusion later in the film tying it all together nicely, for example there, the policeman/security guard from the library.
Shrek2 i really enjoyed. despite being hidden under my big jumper and wearing my hat, cause i was frozen it was great. it had the mix of subtle and obvious jokes which contributed to the greatness of Shrek, and the more disney you know the more jokes there were, as well as some other fantastic bits. one thing that i was quite shocked by that they managed to include a couple of the lyrics and lines in the film that they did, which were still funny but not exactly a 'U' rating... hehe.
the evening was followed with giant kebabs.
today i was awakened by my phone beeping me, with some good news so that was why the day started so didnt continue that way though. am not in the best of moods, which is probably why theres a huge ramble happening... should stop me feeling so squished anyhow. there is no real reason why i feel like i do, other than i do.... hmm...
i decided i needed to get out of the house as i was being driven mad, which after only one week of living there sounds like it could make to be an interesting year, however i can rationalise that one. i hate being asked if im ok when i am/have been ill, which was taking place as well as other stuff that occasionally irritates... but yeah. had been cooped up enough, so set out to take my film in to town. id also decided to call into foxes to pick up a couple of picks, and get a price on a guitar (more about that in a bit). had lunch at FOB as i really fancied a panini, so paid my money and waited for that and the cappucino i had ordered. the panini arrived with salad, and colslaw and crisps - like a proper meal which i totally wasnt expecting.... after that i had a little time left before i could go get my photos so was goign to go up and wander round wargames emporium for a little while before realising there was a primary school orchestra set up in orchard square. NO THANK YOU. so then i started to wander down towards the moor to call in all the shops selling pc games, and then reached the one just past the peace gardens on the left hand side before telling myself not to spend any more money until i get the money for the kitchen stuff ive bought back, so didnt go in any shops and collected my photos, jumped on a bus to get here, and DIDNT go to foxes.
bloody typical.
So not completely bad in terms of happenings i think you'll agree... but didnt nothing to return me to bouncy.
have learned a couple of things/drawn conclusions too.
the first is that i am CRAP with a real camera. unless im taking pictures for someone else. my holiday photos are okay.... nothing spectactular. conversely though i am quite good with a digital camera which is interesting seeing as i dont own one and very rarely use them.... ah well.
the second is that im still no social bunny.
over the last week, quite accidentally, ive ended up meeting lots of people (mainly hendryx' friends) which is okay but an awful lot of things i never expected to happen have happened this week (and you may be able to think of one or two things if youve seen me/spoken to me but NON-ONE knows the half of it) so now im just wanting to hide. to sum this up im not ready for the world, and i dont think its ready for me either (i know on the other blog its the other way round but that is more generic)
the third is that ill never listen to my own advice.
im currently in a dilemma with something that i have been asked abotu several times, the most recently being a couple of months ago. now i find myself in a similar kind of dilemma and have no intention of following the advice i gave to everyone else. this is kind of cryptic but im just trying to process it... the outcomes and consequences of this for me are higher and very different though and i dont know what i should do abotu it... or if i should do anythign.
the fourth is that i really like blackcurrant tea. the twinnings kind. i bought myself a multipack of fruit infusions for a treat. the only one i havent tried yet is the strawberry rasperbby loganberry one which i may try when i get in. the only bad side is that to bring the flavour out better you need to add sugar, having just stopped having sugar in most things this is frustrating.
the fifth is that my caffiene tolerance has increased dramatically while my alcohol tolerance has decreased a little. i dont mind the latter... i dont drink to get drunk... but i cant say that for certainty because i only know my tolerance with what i usually drink which is different. the caffiene though has definately increased. i can drink proper coke again (like 2l) and black coffee without going mental which is good.
the sixth is that i think i need to go back to the doctors. original symptoms are returning i think (need a few days to be sure) which sucks arse. completely. on top of that my sight and hearing have gotten worse amongst a couple of other things...
im gonna shut up now cause i need to go home for a nap (thats one of the other things - indicating anaemia is either worse, im bleeding internally, or somethign else is wrong ill go with the first or third.... its possibly related to the fact that i had a mammoth nose bleed last night actually... damn sneezing) or just to go and do something quiet not involving much movement. will finish on a positive though....
i passed my exams. one module not assessed yet so i havent officially passed, but even if i get the minimum pass of 40 on it (which is possibkle but ill probably get a low 2.2 (50) i still finish the year averaging on a 57 (58.5) with the 50 which is not too bad considering the time off i had and stuff.... means i can still get a 2.1(60%) overall if i do well next year. and theres only one module i DONT want to do (actually really want to do my dissertation.... 12,000 words - been a while since i wrote somethign that long... about 2 weeks (hehe... talkign about spain trip writeups) and that the song of songs one- "the bible and the poetry of the erotic" i just dont see the point in it. 2 modules on paul stuff and a theology module... less up for the theology one but it'll be interesting to see how theology is formed... and how its formed wrongly *evil grin*. anyhow. im aiming for no less than 65's on everythign next year which should bring me up to a 2.1 giving me a much better chance both jobwise and PGCE if i want to do that. should decide that really... 2.1 is auto acceptance for RE.
and now everythign just decided its too tired..... arg.
will have to bus it i fear.
(should have broadband in 2 weeks- phone line being installed on thursday next - anyone wants the number then mail me)
ps. if anyone still reads this please comment.... just so i dont feel like im talking to noone- not that it makes much difference.