January 20, 2005
for those that read my LJ yoy'll know that things have gone kinda up pooh creek...as such, we now have no means of saving money for moving in July or our wedding so until i can either get a new job or some other way of gettign some money saved up im creating a holding account for anyone that might want to chip in a little... also if more details are wanted feel free to contact me.saraI can't make the link work on here... so http://www.livejournal.com/users/tawtami/59849.html is the place to go if you want to use the button... thanks in advance.sara
Good day painter-of-souls. Can I get any information about old bills on this post? Hopefully before the day is gone I can get somemore details about http://www.livechathelp.com. My friend told me I should look here but it does not seem to be a perfect match for what I need to know. I'm new to blogging but enjoy it. Take care and wish me luck.
Good day painter-of-souls. Can I get any information about old hospital bills on this post? Hopefully before the day is gone I can get somemore details about http://www.livechathelp.com. My friend told me I should look here but it does not seem to be a perfect match for what I need to know. I'm new to blogging but enjoy it. Take care and wish me luck.
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