July 28, 2004

lifes a funny thing

stuff is finished now which is noce in terms of the house, but i am knackered. doing a 41 hour week this week. also feel i may have gotten myself into a bit of a sitch with work already.... remember i almost lost my job a while ago (on a side note got the official offer today)...?well today i ended up looking after that child again on a one to one basis as the SNIP worker looking after them was absolutely pants.... the bosses have asked if id officially do the one to one so they dont have to get any more SNIP workers in... a difficult situation may arise out of this. i dont really care either way, because the worst that will come out of this i think is that the parent will object seriously, but that i think im right in saying isnt my problem.. im just doing as im told.dunno.
todya has been really pants to be fair workwise- had a brilliant laugh on the one hand- we put salt in steves tea for telling us *he'd* actually done some work when in fact Paul had done it which was priceless, and then as staff we get on well, but the kids were awful... one decided to have a temper tantrum all the way through the bowling trip and did nothing but cry and scream for the entire hour and a bit.... then there was the above thing with the SNIP worker, and also the question of the REALLY NAUGHTY boy whom i had the pleasure of dealing with.... ack. im bald now i swear.

anyhow... had a nice tea last night. whats left of the crumble i made will be tonights food as i cant be arsed to do owt else and im going to try to rearrange my room before falling asleep. still its better than yesterday which saw me not stay at home due to the mess that was there. the night away did some good though i think, and made coming home this evening even better. anyhow.... someone talk to me......... im bored!!! (not moving furniture till i feel a little stronger ie ive eaten)

hoping to get my room sorted anyhow. i fear i may have to await the help of someone who is strong to help (and everyone is away for now) ah well, at least my bed is usable tonight.... mmmm bed......................................................

(i think the stupid amount of work, the heat, the caffiene and the paint smell are getting to me)


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