June 10, 2004

the problem with 2.20 am is....

that my brain functions fine but my hands wont work, so i cant't type properly.
nor can i see properly....
and its still too hot... if there was noone else in the room id just move the fan....
as it is there are 4 other people in the room....

two of them are taling rather loudly.

some drunken person outside is laughing maniacally.... quite annoying really...
anyhow, im alnmost at half way on this essay - i powernapped earlier- not somehting im given to doing at all as it makes me feel worse int he long run, but i couldnt focus on the screen... going back to wearing me glasses now...i think.

im going to have to change my plans though i think.... get two essays done tonight... get home for 8am, ish... sleep till midday, sort out stomp stuff [and pack] ,go do stomp, write the third essay thursday night and then hand them in friday at 9am.
this still leaves friday evening free to do nothing which will be nice...may well wander to see who i can annoy then....
and then im off- i can sleep on the coach into london... and then find out where im going and sit there and then sleep to dover... i been there before....

ack i dont know and i dont care, im not going to worry bout that... if i have to i can sleep for several hours when i get there...

back to work....



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