June 09, 2004

lots of conversation

well, in the space of three hours ive had two great conversations.

the exam this morning kicked arse!
wrote no less that 800 words per answer - three questions... 2400 words in 2 hours in the end including the 20 mins planning at the start and the 10 minute nap in the middle and the fact that i left with half an hour to go...
nothing much more to say with regards to that.... saw my mum, who has cheekily been using my student status to get money off things.... hmm... even *im* not that skinflinted... oh well

i feel like its around 7pm... partly cause my dad kicked me awake at 5.30 am wanting to play red alert.. such is life i guess..
anyhoe, after leaving the exam, spending a quick 5 mins catching up with Phil, as we both finished at the same time again... :) i realised id left my jacket in the room.. luckily i got it..
then i went to F.O.B again, this time with company, and spent a very pleasant hour or so drinking coffee and chatting about random things with Richard, and then headed up to uni to get on wiht some more work. - i then found the pc i was at yesterday - it was free- so i have air conditioning AND, my floppy disc was still in the drive - COME ON!!!!!!!!
anyhow, i got set up, and who should ring but Hendryx, so ive just spent almost and hour chatting to him.... both conversations from today have taken a bit of a turn along the old listening to the Lord and eschatological thingimabobbs road which is quite interesting....

more plans for the 'big-kitty-house' are underway... keep you posted with that though ;-).

so yeah, today is a GOOD day so far. later im going to go meet Rosie properly, and nab a PC at lydgate court so i can work and talk - the one thing about me and essays- i dont do so well at writing them if i dont have sufficient 'distractions' - ie MSN with someone on there, email, etc, as i work in short bursts but get it done quickly, as opposed to say here, where no external communication other than email is avaliable or implementable, and i dont know anyone who likes to communicate via email given the choice- though if you dont mind that then by all means feel free to do so!!!!
anyhow, i wont be home till late tonight... for a start ive been kicked off anythign thats vaguely electronic.... rargh. meaning i cant get on the net there, which i *do* actually need to do research and stuff with... so basically i think if i end up at jacks working through the night then so be it- i can always sleep tomorrow morning...
just unbandaged my wrist for a bit... it coped through the exam which was good... typing is always less strain on it though and its looking a little better than it was last night... which is a good thing.

anyhow, if i should probably start this essay for real now... the sooner i start the sooner i finish... and the sooner i finish the sooner i can stop stressing about it!
am not goign to post again until i finish the archaeology essay though now...

oh and in case anyone is interested, i spent my exam talkign about the following...

1. Archaeological techniques and problems with them, and textual artefacts and problems there... basically how a dig is carried out and the problems...

2a. Discussing the different theories on the origins of Israel - basically two opposing arguments... the first being that Israel was a very small nomadic tribe of wanderers, which is why archaeologically there is v. little evidence of their existance, and only one mention of them outside the bible from that time, found in the Merneptah Stele [which i was even able to quote!] and that the 'evidence' in the bible is just an identity and history they have created for themselves in order to provide significance and hope........ the opposing argument basiclly beign that you cant argue with the lack of evidence but there are later instances of Israel as a nation outside of the Bible, .'. Merneptah Stele is wrong, and while the evidence in the bible may be subjective, unless conclusively disproven it is evidence and testimony to their existance.
my conclusion??? to quote the wonderfully named Mr. Finkelstein : "Absence of evidence is by no means evidence of absence" :D

3.c Wrote for ages on the Kidron Valley tombs. Burial rituals and beliefs amongst Jewish culture in the Second Temple Period (Rule of Herod the Great). Set the scene with previous practice, drew diagrams of a typical tomb (actually drew the outline of the Bene Hezir's tomb) and then moved it into context of 2ndTP, and showed the changes made and the arguments as to why they were made - pharasaic belief in bodily resurrection in the afterlife versus natural progression of culture alongside similar progressions taking place under Herod's rule anyhow. Got examples of specific tombs and their significance and everything....

Was well surprised cause i CANT do dates... my brain just doesnt work that way - i also have trouble with quotes similarly and specific examples... but i managed to get them all in... if i dont get a 2.1 (60%) im going to scream.... just need to do a decent essay as well now... :)

3000 words on Ugarit/Ras Shamra and its connection wiht the OT.

then its the liberation theology... and then its Peter... :(

its doable... just need to not fall asleep and stuff.... oh and after all of that, i need to format them all to departmental guidelines..... GRRRRRRR and print them, do the coversheets and hand them in tomorrow...

does mean that friday night will be alright for fighting though ;-)

and at this rate it will be shorts all the way on the coach.. and i found my inflatable pillow so no sore neck/back..
havent been on a ferry since i was 14 though...

right 15.29 expect somethign around 7pm i reckon.

for now adieu.



Blogger sara said...

hehe... um... yeah seeing as youre the ONLY person to ahve commented other than myself ;-)

hehe. im around a third of the way through mine now....
gonna be here all night, but thats okay. :)

10:04 pm  

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